felixfontein.acme.revoke_old_certificates role

This is a role which can use any CA supporting the ACME protocol, such as Let’s Encrypt, Buypass or ZeroSSL, to revoke issued TLS/SSL certificates for your server.

This role assumes that felixfontein.acme.acme_certificate role has been used with acme_certificate_keys_old_store set to true. It copies the old certificate into keys/old/ (or the path configured by acme_certificate_keys_old_path) before renewal. This role iterates over all certificates (respectively their private keys) in this directory and revokes them all with the given reason. This role supports both plaintext private keys and sops-encrypted private keys (see acme_certificate_use_sops_for_key option of felixfontein.acme.acme_certificate role).

Make sure that you first replace all usages of the old certificates by the new ones before revokation!


See General Role Parameters for general parameters, and for challenge-specific parameters. Please note that this role does not need an ACME account if not explicitly configured to use it, and relies on the private key of the certificates to revoke them.

These are the main variables used by this role:

  • acme_certificate_keys_old_path: Where old keys and certificates should be copied to; used in case acme_certificate_keys_old_store is true. Default value is "keys/old/".

  • acme_certificate_revoke_reason: which reason to use for revocation. The default value is 4 (superseeded, i.e. you issued a new certificate for the same set of domains, this is an old one). Other sensible values are 5 (cessation of operation, i.e. you don’t want to use this set of domain names in a certificate anymore). See the revoke_reason parameter of community.crypto.acme_certificate_revoke module for a full list of reasons.

  • acme_certificate_revoke_with_acme_account: if set to true, will not use the private key of the certificate to revoke, but the account key. This is needed for ACME providers which do not support revocation by private certificate key, like BuyPass.

Example playbook

This role can be used as follows. Note that it obtains several certificates, and defines variables used for all certificates globally:

- name: revoking old certificates
  hosts: webserver
    - role: felixfontein.acme.revoke_old_certificates
      acme_certificate_revoke_reason: 4