felixfontein.acme.account_key_rollover role

This is a role which can use any CA supporting the ACME protocol, such as Let’s Encrypt, Buypass or ZeroSSL, to rekey ACME account keys.

This role will create a backup copy of the existing account key if requested to do so, re-create the account key, and then roll over the ACME account to the new key.


See General Role Parameters for general parameters. Note that for this role, acme_certificate_acme_account_content is not supported.

These are the main variables used by this role:

  • acme_certificate_account_algorithm: The algorithm used for creating private keys. The default is "rsa"; other choices are "p-256", "p-384" or "p-521" for the NIST elliptic curves prime256v1, secp384r1 and secp521r1, respectively.

  • acme_certificate_account_key_length: The bitlength to use for RSA private keys. The default is 4096.

  • acme_certificate_account_key_backup: Whether to create a backup of the old account key before rolling over. Default value is true.

  • acme_certificate_account_key_sops_encrypted: Use Mozilla sops to encrypt private key. Needs .sops.yaml file inside the keys directory or somewhere up the directory chain. Default value is false.

Example playbook

This role can be used as follows. Note that it obtains several certificates, and defines variables used for all certificates globally:

- name: account key rollover
  hosts: webserver
    acme_certificate_acme_account: 'keys/acme-account.key'
    - role: felixfontein.acme.account_key_rollover
      acme_certificate_account_key_backup: false