community.general.ansible_type test – Validate input type


This test plugin is part of the community.general collection (version 9.4.0).

It is not included in ansible-core. To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list.

To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install community.general.

To use it in a playbook, specify: community.general.ansible_type.

New in community.general 9.2.0


  • This test validates input type.


This describes the input of the test, the value before is community.general.ansible_type or is not community.general.ansible_type.




any / required

Input data.

Keyword parameters

This describes keyword parameters of the test. These are the values key1=value1, key2=value2 and so on in the following examples: input is community.general.ansible_type(key1=value1, key2=value2, ...) and input is not community.general.ansible_type(key1=value1, key2=value2, ...)





Data type aliases.

Default: {}


any / required

A single data type, or a data types list to be validated.


# Substitution converts str to AnsibleUnicode
# -------------------------------------------

# String. AnsibleUnicode.
dtype: AnsibleUnicode
data: "abc"
result: '{{ data is community.general.ansible_type(dtype) }}'
# result => true

# String. AnsibleUnicode alias str.
alias: {"AnsibleUnicode": "str"}
dtype: str
data: "abc"
result: '{{ data is community.general.ansible_type(dtype, alias) }}'
# result => true

# List. All items are AnsibleUnicode.
dtype: list[AnsibleUnicode]
data: ["a", "b", "c"]
result: '{{ data is community.general.ansible_type(dtype) }}'
# result => true

# Dictionary. All keys are AnsibleUnicode. All values are AnsibleUnicode.
dtype: dict[AnsibleUnicode, AnsibleUnicode]
data: {"a": "foo", "b": "bar", "c": "baz"}
result: '{{ data is community.general.ansible_type(dtype) }}'
# result => true

# No substitution and no alias. Type of strings is str
# ----------------------------------------------------

# String
dtype: str
result: '{{ "abc" is community.general.ansible_type(dtype) }}'
# result => true

# Integer
dtype: int
result: '{{ 123 is community.general.ansible_type(dtype) }}'
# result => true

# Float
dtype: float
result: '{{ 123.45 is community.general.ansible_type(dtype) }}'
# result => true

# Boolean
dtype: bool
result: '{{ true is community.general.ansible_type(dtype) }}'
# result => true

# List. All items are strings.
dtype: list[str]
result: '{{ ["a", "b", "c"] is community.general.ansible_type(dtype) }}'
# result => true

# List of dictionaries.
dtype: list[dict]
result: '{{ [{"a": 1}, {"b": 2}] is community.general.ansible_type(dtype) }}'
# result => true

# Dictionary. All keys are strings. All values are integers.
dtype: dict[str, int]
result: '{{ {"a": 1} is community.general.ansible_type(dtype) }}'
# result => true

# Dictionary. All keys are strings. All values are integers.
dtype: dict[str, int]
result: '{{ {"a": 1, "b": 2} is community.general.ansible_type(dtype) }}'
# result => true

# Type of strings is AnsibleUnicode or str
# ----------------------------------------

# Dictionary. The keys are integers or strings. All values are strings.
alias: {"AnsibleUnicode": "str"}
dtype: dict[int|str, str]
data: {1: 'a', 'b': 'b'}
result: '{{ data is community.general.ansible_type(dtype, alias) }}'
# result => true

# Dictionary. All keys are integers. All values are keys.
alias: {"AnsibleUnicode": "str"}
dtype: dict[int, str]
data: {1: 'a', 2: 'b'}
result: '{{ data is community.general.ansible_type(dtype, alias) }}'
# result => true

# Dictionary. All keys are strings. Multiple types values.
alias: {"AnsibleUnicode": "str"}
dtype: dict[str, bool|dict|float|int|list|str]
data: {'a': 1, 'b': 1.1, 'c': 'abc', 'd': True, 'e': ['x', 'y', 'z'], 'f': {'x': 1, 'y': 2}}
result: '{{ data is community.general.ansible_type(dtype, alias) }}'
# result => true

# List. Multiple types items.
alias: {"AnsibleUnicode": "str"}
dtype: list[bool|dict|float|int|list|str]
data: [1, 2, 1.1, 'abc', True, ['x', 'y', 'z'], {'x': 1, 'y': 2}]
result: '{{ data is community.general.ansible_type(dtype, alias) }}'
# result => true

# Option dtype is list
# --------------------

# AnsibleUnicode or str
dtype: ['AnsibleUnicode', 'str']
data: abc
result: '{{ data is community.general.ansible_type(dtype) }}'
# result => true

# float or int
dtype: ['float', 'int']
data: 123
result: '{{ data is community.general.ansible_type(dtype) }}'
# result => true

# float or int
dtype: ['float', 'int']
data: 123.45
result: '{{ data is community.general.ansible_type(dtype) }}'
# result => true

# Multiple alias
# --------------

# int alias number
alias: {"int": "number", "float": "number"}
dtype: number
data: 123
result: '{{ data is community.general.ansible_type(dtype, alias) }}'
# result => true

# float alias number
alias: {"int": "number", "float": "number"}
dtype: number
data: 123.45
result: '{{ data is community.general.ansible_type(dtype, alias) }}'
# result => true

Return Value



Return value


Whether the data type is valid.

Returned: success


  • Vladimir Botka (@vbotka)


Configuration entries for each entry type have a low to high priority order. For example, a variable that is lower in the list will override a variable that is higher up.